18th Store LCC – Cowhead Durian Oat Butter Cookies L009362 / Malaysia


AVAILABLE : in stock


Cowhead Durian Oat Butter Cookies are a unique fusion of exotic durian flavor and wholesome oats, blended into buttery, crisp cookies. The subtle sweetness of durian pairs harmoniously with the hearty texture of oats, offering a delightful and intriguing taste experience.

Net Weight: 150 grams

Item Code: L009362


3 units

Cowhead Durian Oat Butter Cookies are a unique fusion of exotic durian flavor and wholesome oats, blended into buttery, crisp cookies. The subtle sweetness of durian pairs harmoniously with the hearty texture of oats, offering a delightful and intriguing taste experience.

Net Weight: 150 grams

Item Code: L009362
